100 research outputs found


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    DDBJ Activities: Contribution to the Research in Information Biology

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    DDBJ (DNA Data Bank of Japan; "http://www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/":http://www.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/)started its database activities in 1986. From the beginning, DDBJ has been one of INSDC (International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration; "http://www.insdc.org/":http://www.insdc.org/) that is a tripartite collaboration with EMBL-Bank/EBI and GenBank/NCBI.The total base number of the primary nucleotide sequence data collected and distributed by INSDC exceeded 100 Gbases in August 2005. Since then it took only three years for the total base number to be doubled (200 Gbases). Now, the collaboration is being expanded to Traces (DNA sequence chromatograms) and Short Reads (raw reads data from 454, Solexa, SOLiD etc). DDBJ is also collecting and releasing gene expression data at CIBEX (Center for Information Biology gene EXpression database; "http://cibex.nig.ac.jp/":http://cibex.nig.ac.jp/). Furthermore, DDBJ contributed to international annotation jamborees such as FANTOM (mouse), H-Inv (human), RAP (rice) and E. coli K12. DDBJ provides many services to the research in information biology or bioinformatics. They include Web-API for Biology (WABI) "http://www.xml.nig.ac.jp/":http://www.xml.nig.ac.jp/ and All-round Retrieval of Sequence and Annotation (ARSA) "http://arsa.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/":http://arsa.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/. These activities are presented with the perspective of DDBJ in the coming years

    A Study of Exercises in Novice Level Chinese Teaching Materials Used at Japanese Universities for Intercultural Communication Competence Teaching

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    Analysis of why Japanese students misuse “或者” and “還是”

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    鄭玄の祭天思想に就いて : 『周禮』国家に於ける圜丘祀天と郊天

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    Surface Modification of Polylactic Acid Films by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment

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    A new approach for the modification of polylactic acid (PLA) materials using atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) is described. PLA films plasma exposure time was 20, 60, 120 s. The surface morphology and wettability of the obtained PLA films were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and the sitting drop method. The atmospheric pressure plasma increased the roughness and surface energy of PLA film. The wettability of PLA has been improved with the application of an atmospheric plasma surface treatment. It was shown that it is possible to obtain PLA films with various surface relief and tunable wettability. Additionally, we demonstrated that the use of cold atmospheric pressure plasma for surface activation allows for the immobilization of bioactive compounds like hyaluronic acid (HA) on the surface of obtained films. It was shown that composite PLA-HA films have an increased long-term hydrophilicity of the films surface


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    周公と王莽 : 王莽期における周公居摂践阼の解釈

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